10 Quality Improvement Measures

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Quality Improvement:

Quality Improvement is a system of regularly reviewing and refining processes in order to improve them, and therefore improve the quality of care your patients receive and their health outcomes. A growing body of evidence demonstrates that Quality Improvement activities lead to positive change in practices, particularly when implemented using a whole of team approach.

The Practice Incentive Program Quality Improvement (PIP QI) is collecting data from 95% of the eligible practices across Australia and focuses on 10 Quality Improvement Measures (QIMs).

Approximately 80 – 85% of eligible practices within WVPHN are participating in PIPQI. The PIPQI QIMs are directly connected to the health outcomes of those living in our region.

Current Quality Improvement Focus Area: Proportion of patients with diabetes with a blood pressure result

As part of our commitment to use population health data to drive our work across the region, we will use the QIMs as a guide to develop focused QI activities and training for general practices within WVPHN.

Western Victoria PHN are supporting general practices across the region to improve their recording of blood pressure results for patients with diabetes in their practice software with the aim to be in line with or above national average.

As part of this drive for improvement, the practice facilitation team will support your practice with the tools and resources to undertake this QI activity to be leaders of a region wide approach to managing chronic disease prevention.


QIM 10 - Blood pressure recording for patients with diabetes

Quality Improvement Toolkit (2MB pdf)

PDSA Template blank


Work with our Practice Facilitation team on the next Focus QIM

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