The Practice Facilitation team are available to provide direct, face to face support at your practice for all staff.
If you would like to have a Practice Facilitator visit your clinic, please fill out the form below or call the Helpdesk on 1300 176 271
By completing this form, you are consenting to allow WVPHN to store the information you provide on Practice Connect and in addition this information may also be logged on WVPHN’s Customer Relationship Management System for the purpose of managing stakeholder engagement. Responses to this form will be accessed by the Practice Facilitation team and other key staff to allow WVPHN to schedule practice facilitation visits.
WVPHN is committed to protecting your privacy and is bound by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (VIC), Health Records Act 2001 and complying with our obligations under the Australian Privacy Principles
Support areas include:
Quality Improvement
- Coaching and support
- PDSAs and QI planning
- Implementation of Toolkits
- Practice Incentive Programs
Digital Health
- Understanding My Health Record
- Telehealth
- Secure Messaging
- Electronic Prescriptions
- Electronic Requesting
Practice Tools
- Walrus for POLAR
- Topbar for CAT4
- GoShare
- HealthPathways
Data Driven Improvement
- POLAR data extraction
- CAT4/ PEN CS data extraction
- Data cleansing
- Clinical Coding
Programs & Projects
- PHN Programs and projects
- Grants, tenders and EOIs
- Accreditation
- MyMedicare
- Medicare Benefits Schedule