Upcoming workshops and webinars

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Western Victoria PHN’s Workforce Development program aims to improve the capacity of the primary health care system to deliver better outcomes for patients and the community.

It achieves this by developing and delivering initiatives targeting the health care workforce through education, general practice support, improving connections and addressing workforce gaps.

View upcoming WVPHN events on our calendar here

April Events

Palliative Care - Session two - 16 March

Register and details here

Reducing Alcohol related harm - 16 April

Register and details here

Demystifying Dementia - Round two - 30 April

Register and details here


May Events

Palliative Care - Session three - 7 May

Register and details here

Mental Health Curriculum by Victorian Dual Disability Service - 7-8 May

Register and details here



Suggest an event or workshop

Please give a brief description of the topic you would like WVPHN to consider.
Please provide further details about your education/training requirements.

By completing this form, you are consenting to allow WVPHN to store the information you provide on Practice Connect and in addition this information may also be logged on WVPHN’s Customer Relationship Management System (CRM) for the purpose of achieving the successful management of WVPHN’s Stakeholder Engagement. Responses to this form will be accessed by the Practice Facilitation team and other key staff to allow WVPHN to design and implement events and workshops that meet your needs.

WVPHN is committed to protecting your privacy and is bound by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (VIC), Health Records Act 2001 and complying with our obligations under the Australian Privacy Principles