Australian Immunisation Register (AIR)
Recognised vaccination providers can:
- record patient immunisation information
- update or correct data already sent to the AIR
- request reports to help identify any patients due or overdue for a vaccination
- report immunisation medical exemptions online – if you’re eligible to do this
- payment information for the provision of certain vaccinations – if eligible.
It’s important all immunisation information is recorded in AIR.
- Department of Human Services AIR eLearning modules
- Victorian Immunisation Schedule
- Requirements for all early childhood services – Victoria
- Questions about vaccination (Department of Health)
- Accessing AIR using HPOS (Services Australia)
- Accessing AIR using PRODA - Individuals User Guide (Services Australia) July 2020
- Accessing AIR using PRODA - Organisations User Guide (Services Australia)
- AusVaxSafety (National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance)
- The digital Australian Immunisation Handbook
- The National Vaccine Storage Guidelines Strive for Five (3rd edition) (PDF)
- National Immunisation Program Pneumococcal vaccination schedule (Department of Health and Aged Care)
- PneumoSmart Vaccination Tool (Immunisation Coalition) July 2020 - Pneumococcal vaccination eligibility decision tool
- Live shingles vaccine (Zostavax) screening for contraindications (The Australian Immunisation Handbook) January 2021
- Meningococcal B vaccination - resources (NCIRS)