Care planning is the process of planning for a patients current and future health care. It involves talking about values, beliefs and preferences with your patients. This helps their families and loved ones make decisions about care in difficult circumstances.
Care planning allows health professionals to understand and respect a person’s future healthcare preferences, for a time when they become seriously ill and unable to communicate for themselves. All healthcare professionals and aged care workers have an important role to help with planning and ensuring people have choice in their care. It enables the appointment of a medical treatment decision maker/ support person for medical treatment decisions.

Download Resource: Care Planning Change Ideas (pdf 116KB)
Guide – General Practice Management Plan for Nurses, a comprehensive guide with goals, actions, treatments. (pdf 202KB)
Plan Do Study Act (PDSA)
PDSA Improved Knowledge of Advance Care Planning (docx 99KB)
PDSA Increase the number of telehealth care planning appointments (docx 98KB)
PDSA Increase patient numbers with uploaded shared health summaries (docx 276KB)
PDSA Improving care for patients with an intellectual disability (docx 100KB)