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Search our Resource Library for downloadable documents and templates to help you manage your general practice.

If you cannot find something you are looking for, please use the form below to submit an idea for a resource you would like.

TitleSummaryCategoriesFile TypeLinkhf:doc_categorieshf:file_type
Polar Walkthrough – Identify active RACF patients by specific item number

Identify RACF patients by specific items number

POLAR Walkthrough – Identify Patients eligible for a Heart Health Check

A POLAR Walkthrough identifying patients who are eligible for a Heart Health Check (MBS item 699)

General Practice Training Program AGPT

Australian General Practice training program information for clinics in western

, , pdfbusiness-support fact-sheet general-practicepdf
Sustainable Primary Care checklist – Form

A guide to assist General Practice to develop a sustainable clinic. Online interactive form

, , pdfchecklist general-practice quality-improvementpdf
Sustainable Primary Care checklist – printable

A guide to assist General Practice to develop a sustainable clinic. Printable PDF

, , pdfbusiness-support checklist quality-improvementpdf
Guide for using Argus in Medical Director (without images)

Instructional information for explaining how to use Argus in Medical Director

Guide for using Argus in Best Practice (without images)

Instructional information for explaining how to use Argus for sending patient information using encrypted communications.

Guide for using HealthLink with Best Practice (without images)

This information sheet is part of our Secure Messaging in General Practice suite of resources that includes videos and instructional information for explaining how to use Healthlink for sending patient information using encrypted communications (No images)

Guide for using HealthLink with Best Practice (with images)

This information sheet is part of our Secure Messaging in General Practice suite of resources that includes videos and instructional information for explaining how to use Healthlink for sending patient information using encrypted communications

POLAR Walkthrough – Active patients with certain diagnosis and eligible for care plan

Identify patients with diagnoses and eligible for GPMP or review

POLAR: Quick Reference Guide

POLAR: A quick guide for tips and tricks. Can be used to identify missing demographic information.

POLAR Walkthrough: No Smoking Status Recorded

A walkthrough to audit active patients who have missing demographics, such as smoking status

POlAR Walkthrough: Identifying active patients with no visit or contact in the past 3 years

A walkthrough that practices may choose to de-activate a patient cohort that has not had a visit in three years.

MyMedicare Update April/May 2024

The latest factsheet on MyMedicare

POLAR Walkthrough – Review active patients with diabetes routine care

Identifying RACGP and practice active patients with an active diagnosis of diabetes and review their care quality

, pdfquality-improvement walkthroughpdf
POLAR Walkthrough – Identify active patients with COPD and a BMI recorded

Identifying RACGP and practice active patients with COPD and a BMI recorded within the last 12 months.

, pdfquality-improvement walkthroughpdf
POLAR Walkthrough – Identify active patients with certain quality measures recorded

Identifying RACGP active and practice active patients with certain quality measures recorded

, pdfquality-improvement walkthroughpdf
POLAR Walkthrough – Identify active patients with a certain active diagnosis

Identifying RACGP and practice active patients with a certain active diagnosis

, pdfquality-improvement walkthroughpdf
POLAR Walkthrough – Identify active patients in certain age groups

Identifying RACGP active and practice active patients in age groups

, pdfquality-improvement walkthroughpdf
POLAR Walkthrough – Clinical Indicators – Patients with a certain diagnosis who have had a certain vaccine

Identifying RACGP and practice active patients with a certain diagnosis who have had a certain vaccine.

, pdfquality-improvement walkthroughpdf
POLAR Walkthrough – Clinical Indicators – Patients 65 and over with a BMI recording

Identifying RACGP and practice active patients 65 yrs and over with a BMI recorded

, pdfquality-improvement walkthroughpdf
POLAR Walkthrough – Clinical Indicators – Patients 65 and over who have had a certain vaccine

Identifying RACGP and practice active patients 65 yrs and over who have had a certain vaccine.

, pdfquality-improvement walkthroughpdf
My Clinic Walks – Walrus walkthrough

My Clinic Walks – Patient Identification – Walrus Walkthrough

, pdfpractice-facilitation walkthroughpdf
My Clinic Walks – POLAR Walkthrough

My Clinic Walks – Patient identification – POLAR Walkthrough

, , pdfpractice-facilitation quality-improvement walkthroughpdf
Dementia Risk Assessment – Clinic Summary Filter Walkthrough

Filtering walkthrough for a patient list to utilise or identifying which of these patients are due for a care plan or a health assessment and make a note to include dementia screening in that service.

Using HealthLink with Medical Director

Guide for using HealthLink with Medical Director (image)

, pdfgeneral-practice guidepdf
Installing ReferralNet

Guide to installing ReferralNet (no image)

, pdfgeneral-practice guidepdf
Installing ReferralNet

Guide to installing ReferralNet (image)

, pdfgeneral-practice guidepdf
Using HealthLink with ZedMed

Guide for using HealthLink with ZedMed (no image)

, pdfgeneral-practice guidepdf
Using HealthLink with ZedMed

Guide for using HealthLink with ZedMed (image)

, pdfgeneral-practice guidepdf
Using HealthLink with Medical Director

Guide for using HealthLink with Medical Director (image)

, pdfgeneral-practice guidepdf
Installing HealthLink

Guide for installing HealthLink (no image)

, pdfgeneral-practice guidepdf
Installing HealthLink

Guide for installing HealthLink (image)

, pdfgeneral-practice guidepdf
Using Healthlink with Zedmed

Guide for using Healthlink with Zedmed software (image)

, pdfgeneral-practice guidepdf
Using Argus in ZedMed

Guide for using Argus in ZedMed (no image)

, pdfgeneral-practice guidepdf
Using Argus in ZedMed

Guide for using Argus in ZedMed (image)

, pdfgeneral-practice guidepdf
Using Argus in Medical Director

Guide for using Argus in Medical Director (image)

, pdfgeneral-practice guidepdf
Using Argus in Best Practice

Guide for using argus in best practice (no image)

, pdfgeneral-practice guidepdf
Using argus in Best Practice

Guide for using argus in best practice (image)

, pdfgeneral-practice guidepdf
Sending referrals in referralnet using Zedmed

Guide for sending referrals in referralnet using zedmed software (no image)

, pdfgeneral-practice guidepdf
Sending referrals in ReferralNet using Zedmed

Guide for sending referrals in ReferralNet using Zedmed software (image)

, pdfgeneral-practice guidepdf
Creating and sending referrals in Referralnet using Medical Director

Guide for creating and sending referrals in referralnet using medical director software (no image)

, pdfgeneral-practice guidepdf
Creating and sending referrals in referralnet using Medical Director

Guide for creating and sending referrals in Referralnet using Medical Director software (image)

, pdfgeneral-practice guidepdf
Creating and sending referrals in Referralnet using Best Practice

Guide for creating and sending referrals in ReferralNet using Best Practice software (no image)

, pdfgeneral-practice guidepdf
Creating and sending referrals in Referralnet using Best Practice

Guide for creating and sending referrals in ReferralNet using Best Practice software (image)

, pdfgeneral-practice guidepdf
Dementia Risk Alert Polar – How to Navigate

A 3 min clip on how to navigate the Dementia Risk Alert in POLAR

Dementia risk clinic summary report and risk alert

For WVPHN practices only, a new clinic summary report available in POLAR and a risk algorithm for Walrus.
With Best Practice or MedicalDirector software:
• identify and group eligible patients for dementia screening to enable clinicians to manage requests and referrals within Walrus.
• access Clinic Summary report and allow the practice to select a patient cohort based on eligible patients.

, pdffact-sheet general-practicepdf
Face Dementia – Walrus Walkthrough (Dementia Risk Algorithm)

A walkthrough created for clinicians wanting to understand how to use the risk algorithm for patients who might require screening for Dementia

PDSA template

Blank template for your own PDSA activity

Reform and regulations for vaping

Support GP’s with the relevant information needed to “write a script” for patients who require vapes and vape related products.

POLAR Walkthrough – Identify active patients under 25 years with diabetes and are eligible for a care plan

This activity guides practices to identify RACGP active patients (have attended the clinic at least three times in the last 2 years), who have at least one chronic condition, and are eligible for a medication review.

Pop Up Notes in Medical Director

How to add an appointment note to a patients file in Pracsoft

, pdfchecklist walkthroughpdf
Pop Up notes in Best Practice – add a note to patient’s file

How to add an appointment note to a patients file in Best Practice

, pdfchecklist walkthroughpdf
GoShare at WVPHN flyer

Western Victoria Primary Health Network (WVPHN) currently grants 80 general practice clinics within the WVPHN catchment a GoShare license as part of the program.

POLAR Walkthrough – Patients aged 75 and older with chronic conditions

This activity guides practices to identify patients based on the number of chronic co-morbidities they have.

POLAR Walkthrough – Installing Walrus

POLAR Walkthrough – Identifying patients MBS items charged within 12 months

POLAR Walkthrough – Identify patients currently on Methadone

Identifying patients currently on Methadone or Methadone Hydrochloride

, pdfquality-improvement walkthroughpdf
POLAR Walkthrough – Identify RACGP active patients with a certain number of diagnosis’

This activity guides practices to identify how many RACGP active patients (have attended the clinic at least three times in the last 2 years), have a certain number of recorded diagnosis’.

, pdfquality-improvement walkthroughpdf
POLAR Walkthrough – Identify RACGP active patients with an active cancer diagnosis

This activity guides practices to identify RACGP active patients (have attended the clinic at least three times in the last 2 years), who have an active diagnosis of cancer.

, pdfquality-improvement walkthroughpdf
POLAR Walkthrough – Identify patients with chronic condition and GPMP

This activity guides practices to identify RACGP active patients, who have at least one of the selected chronic conditions and have a current GPMP. These patients may benefit from potential screening for palliative care needs.

POLAR Walkthrough – Identify RACGP active patients with a certain diagnosis

POLAR Walkthrough – Identifying active RACF patients by RACF specific Item number

Polar Walkthrough – Identify active patients with a certain active diagnosis (Dementia)

Polar Walkthrough – Identifying patients with no diagnosis of diabetes recorded

This activity guides practices to identify young patients who have been prescribed insulin medication but have no active and coded diagnosis of diabetes recorded in their file.

, pdfquality-improvement walkthroughpdf
Polar Walkthrough – Finding Uncoded Diagnoses

Identifying uncoded diagnoses for data cleansing activity

Polar Walkthrough – Find Uncoded diagnoses (Disability)

Identifying uncoded diagnoses for data cleansing activity (Disability)

, pdfquality-improvement walkthroughpdf
Polar Walkthrough – Clinical Indicators (STI example)

Identifying number of patients with an ordered Chlamydia test

Polar Walkthrough – Clinical Indicators – Immunisation doses

Identifying patients due for a subsequent dose of an Immunisation

, pdfquality-improvement walkthroughpdf
Polar Walkthrough 70+ no Pneumococcal Vaccine

Identifying patients 70 years and over that have not received a Pneumococcal Vaccination

, pdfpractice-facilitation walkthroughpdf
PDSA Increasing BMI recordings in General Practice

QI activity, BMI

, , docxpdsa practice-facilitation quality-improvementdocx
MyMedicare Steps and Tips

Setting up and linking tips and resources

, pdfbusiness-support worksheets-and-planspdf
MyMedicare Implementation checklist

A starting point for implementing activities and readiness for MyMedicare Program once you have completed the MyMedicare registration

, docxbusiness-support checklistdocx
Staff Induction

Template for new Practice Managers and new staff

, docxchecklist templatesdocx
Welcome Book Template

This template is for your practice to be able to provide a comprehensive source of information for new staff as part of their induction.

, docxchecklist templatesdocx
When a GP leaves the practice

Checklist to ensure all tasks are completed when a GP leaves the clinic

, pdfchecklist general-practicepdf
Summer Preparedness

This document has been created to provide help to primary care services to be summer prepared and to understand what supports are available from Western Victoria Primary Health Network (WVPHN)

PDSA Thunderstorm Asthma preparation and awareness

Prepare the clinic and patients for dust storm season


Uploading the JSON file for POLAR – Ensuring practices can participate in the Practice Incentives Program

POLAR JSON File upload for QI PIP

POLAR JSON File for PIP-QI – Ensuring practices can participate in the Practice Incentives Program

, pdffact-sheet general-practicepdf
Sexual reproductive health

Recorded Series 1 session 5 of Project ECHO Reproductive Health

Configuring NASH SHA-2 certificate – MD

To continue using all online Medicare services, organisations need to ensure they are using a NASH SHA-2 certificate to connect to the Healthcare Identifiers (HI) service.

, pdfbusiness-support fact-sheetpdf
Configuring NASH SHA-2 certificate – Genie

To continue using all online Medicare services, organisations need to ensure they are using a NASH SHA-2 certificate to connect to the Healthcare Identifiers (HI) service.

, pdfbusiness-support fact-sheetpdf
Configuring NASH SHA-2 certificate – BP

To continue using all online Medicare services, organisations need to ensure they are using a NASH SHA-2 certificate to connect to the Healthcare Identifiers service.

, pdfbusiness-support fact-sheetpdf
Change Ideas for Dementia

A list of ideas and resources to support undertaking quality improvement in primary care with relation to dementia

PDSA Improve management of patients with Dementia

This PDSA is to manage the patients with dementia that are uncoded in practice sftware

POLAR Walkthrough – Identify active RACF patients by RACF specific item number

Walkthrough, Aged care

, pdfquality-improvement walkthroughpdf
POLAR Walkthrough – Identify active paediatric patients with no coded diagnosis of Diabetes (Clinical Indicators)

Diabetes, Walkthrough

, pdfquality-improvement walkthroughpdf
POLAR Walkthrough – Identify active patients aged under 25 years who have diabetes and are eligible for a careplan

Diabetes, Walkthrough

, pdfquality-improvement walkthroughpdf
POLAR Walkthrough – Identify RACGP active patients with certain number of diagnosis’ recorded

Polar Walkthrough, Palliative Care

, pdfquality-improvement walkthroughpdf
POLAR Walkthrough – Identify RACGP active patients with a BMI above 30, and with no recent recording

Polar Walkthrough, Palliative Care

, pdfquality-improvement walkthroughpdf
POLAR Walkthrough – Identify number of RACGP active patients with a certain MBS item charged in last 12 months

Polar Walkthrough, Palliative Care

, pdfquality-improvement walkthroughpdf
POLAR Walkthrough – Identify RACGP active patients with at least one chronic condition, eligible for a medication review

Polar Walkthrough, Palliative Care

, pdfquality-improvement walkthroughpdf
Intellectual disability, patient profile template

Intellectual disability, SPIDAH, Patient profile template

Intellectual disability, Patient profile digital template

Intellectual disability, SPIDAH, Patient profile template

, docxgeneral-practice templatesdocx
Intellectual disability – Emergency quick reference – SPIDAH

Intellectual disability, Quick reference template

, docxgeneral-practice templatesdocx
Intellectual disability Signs and symptoms tracker

Intellectual disability, SPIDAH, template

, , docxchecklist quality-improvement templatesdocx
PDSA Improve the use of medication through utilising DMMR Item Number 900

PDSA Improve the use of medication through utilising DMMR Item Number …

PDSA Review of Smoking status of Asthma patients

PDSA Review of Smoking status of Asthma …

, docxpdsa quality-improvementdocx
PDSA Review of Alcohol status of patients 15+ years

PDSA Review of Alcohol status of patients 15+ …

, docxpdsa quality-improvementdocx
PDSA COVID vaccinations for First Nations people

PDSA increase the uptake of COVID vaccinations and boosters for First Nations …

PDSA Increase Immunisations

PDSA Increase …

, docxpdsa quality-improvementdocx
PDSA Improve recording of First Nations status in clinical software

PDSA Improve recording of First Nations status in clinical …

, docxpdsa quality-improvementdocx
PDSA Increase screening for Cervical cancer

PDSA Increase screening for Cervical …

, docxpdsa quality-improvementdocx
PDSA Increase screening for Bowel Cancer

PDSA Increase screening for Bowel …

, docxpdsa quality-improvementdocx
PDSA Uptake of Hepatitis therapy and treatment

PDSA Uptake of Hepatitis therapy and …

, docxpdsa sexual-healthdocx
PDSA Increase the number of 715 Health assessments

PDSA Increase the number of 715 Health …

, docxpdsa quality-improvementdocx
PDSA Increasing the number of weight, height and waist measurements

PDSA Increasing the number of weight, height and waist …

, docxpdsa quality-improvementdocx
PDSA Improve demographic data for Digital Health programs

PDSA Improve demographic data for Digital Health …

PDSA Increasing rates of patients over 65 years with Flu vaccinations

PDSA Increasing rates of patients over 65 years with Flu …

PDSA Increasing rates of COPD patients with Flu vaccinations

PDSA Increasing rates of COPD patients with Flu …

PDSA Increasing patient numbers with uploaded Shared Health Summary

PDSA Increasing patient numbers with uploaded Shared Health …

PDSA Improve Opioid Management and reduce risk

PDSA Improve Opioid Management and reduce …

PDSA Improve cultural awareness of practice staff

PDSA Improve cultural awareness of practice …

PDSA Improve Asthma diagnosis and Cycle of Care plans

PDSA Improve Asthma diagnosis and Cycle of Care …

, docxpdsa quality-improvementdocx
PDSA Improving access to Heart Health checks

PDSA Improving access to Heart Health …

, docxpdsa quality-improvementdocx
PDSA Identify patients with a high BMI eligible for a Health Assessment

PDSA Identify patients with a high BMI eligible for a Health …

, docxpdsa quality-improvementdocx
PDSA Identify and manage patients with Hepatitis C

PDSA Identify and manage patients with Hepatitis …

, docxpdsa sexual-healthdocx
PDSA Establish culturally appropriate service conduct refugee assessments

PDSA Increase Refugee Health …

Polar Walkthrough – Identifying RACGP active patients with an active cancer diagnosis

This activity guides practices to identify RACGP active patients (have attended the clinic at least three times in the last 2 years), who have an active diagnosis of …

, pdfquality-improvement walkthroughpdf
POLAR Walkthrough – Patients aged 75 and older with existing chronic conditions

View patients aged 75 and over with existing chronic conditions – This activity guides practices to identify patients based on the number of chronic co-morbidities they …

, pdfquality-improvement walkthroughpdf
Support for providers Mental Health EAP

Tips to providing mental health and wellbeing to your clinic staff and a list of support services

, , pdfbusiness-support fact-sheet general-practicepdf
Polar Walkthrough – Comorbidities

Identify patients based on the number of chronic co-morbidities they have with Polar data extraction

, pdfquality-improvement walkthroughpdf
Polar Walkthrough – Identify active patients with 3 visits in last 2years

Polar walkthrough, Palliative Care

, pdfquality-improvement walkthroughpdf
PDSA Review alcohol consumption

Improving patient records on alcohol status and consumption

, docxpdsa quality-improvementdocx
PDSA Promote awareness of Family Violence

Creating a safe space with staff who are able to provide support

, docxgeneral-practice pdsadocx
PDSA Data cleansing

Improve patient records in clinical system are up to date and accurate

, docxdata pdsadocx
PDSA Improve clinical coding in practice software

Improve the way GP’s collate patient records ensuring they are coded correctly to support high-quality, efficient healthcare

, docxdata pdsadocx
PDSA Increase Staff understanding of Family Violence

Improve staff understanding and training plans

, , docxgeneral-practice pdsa quality-improvementdocx
PDSA Destigmatising Hepatitis C in the community

Raise community awareness, increase rate of treatment with cure over the incidence of new HCV infection.

, , docxgeneral-practice pdsa quality-improvementdocx
Quality Improvement First Nations Health – 12 month plan

This is a 12 month plan for quality improvement related to First Nations Health. It is aligned to Accreditation criterion. This plan has four cycles.

Quality Improvement Chronic Disease – 12 month plan

This is a 12 month plan for quality improvement related to Chronic Disease. It is aligned to Accreditation criterion. This plan has four cycles.

Quality Improvement – 12 Month Plan

This is a template that can be used for a 12 month plan for quality improvement and aligned to Accreditation criterion. This plan has four cycles.

PDSA Improved knowledge of Advance Care Planning

A Plan DO Study Act template for practices wishing to undertake quality improvement in Advance Care Plans

Triage for Reception staff

Guide for reception non clinical staff to assess emergencies

, pdfgeneral-practice worksheets-and-planspdf
PDSA template – Increasing chlamydia screening in patients

PDSA template

, docxpdsa sexual-healthdocx
Plan Do Study Act (PDSA) Template

A template for quality improvement in General Practice

, docxpdsa quality-improvementdocx
Accreditation Change Ideas

Quality improvement change ideas for accreditation in your practice.

Accreditation – Common non-conformities

A factsheet on the common non-conformities found in general practices undertaking accreditation.

, pdfbusiness-support fact-sheetpdf
Accreditation Poster – Graphic

A poster for your practice’s staff room, promoting the benefits of undertaking accreditation.

Accreditation Poster

A poster for your practice’s staffroom outlining the benefits of undertaking accreditation.

, pdfbusiness-support posterpdf
Case study – 3 QI activities

View 3 QI activities recently shared by local Western Victoria medical clinics

, case-study quality-improvement
Case study Shingles – Quality Improvement

A clinic has shared their Quality Improvement activity experience with the Shingles vaccination for their patients

, case-study quality-improvement
Case study Cervical Screening – Quality Improvement

A clinic has shared their experiences conducting a Quality Improvement activity around Cervical Screening in order to improve the health outcomes of patients

, case-study quality-improvement
Case Study Alcohol Status – QI activity

A clinic has shared their Quality Improvement activity around patient Alcohol status and consumption, therefore improving patient outcomes

, case-study quality-improvement
Intellectual Disability – About me patient visual guide

A visual guide to assist staff to understand the content of the Patient Profile form

, , pdfgeneral-practice qi-change-ideas quality-improvementpdf
Intellectual Disability Patient Profile template

A template for learning and recording details to support and communicate with a patient who has an Intellectual Disability.

, docxquality-improvement templatesdocx
Refugee and Asylum Seekers Health for General Practices

Assist primary care providers, namely General Practices to increase number of health assessments provided to refugees and asylum seekers. Support ongoing health requirements of this patient population.

, , , pdfgeneral-practice practice-facilitation qi-change-ideas quality-improvementpdf
Refugee Health- Demonstrating access to multilingual resources

A swim lane chart for general practices’ roles and responsibilities in demonstrating availability of or access to multilingual resources in relevant languages.

, , pdfgeneral-practice qi-change-ideas quality-improvementpdf
Refugee and Asylum Seeker Health – a welcoming environment

A visual swim lane chart to support defining roles and responsibilities in general practice to create a welcoming environment for refugee and asylum seekers.

, , pdfgeneral-practice qi-change-ideas quality-improvementpdf
Refugee and Asylum Seeker Health: Utilising Accredited Interpreters

These recommendations for quality improvement are taken from Victorian Refugee Health Network and adapted into a visual swim lane chart to support defining roles and responsibilities in general practice.

, , pdfgeneral-practice qi-change-ideas quality-improvementpdf
Interpreter service Medical Practitioner’s priority line – TIS

The How to card resource provides information for Medical Practitioners’ to access the Priority Line TIS National telephone interpreter service

, ashxfact-sheet general-practiceashx
POLAR – Walrus

Point-of-Care Decision Support Tool for an Instant Overview of Key Patient Information

, pdffact-sheet general-practicepdf

Fact sheet for practices utilising POLAR for PIP QI

, pdffact-sheet general-practicepdf

A brochure with key information for general practices on the POLAR data extraction tool

, pdffact-sheet general-practicepdf
Increase COVID-19 Vaccination Boosters for First Nations Peoples

PDSA specifically for a recall and reminder system for First Nations Peoples to access COVID-19 booster vaccinations.

, docxpdsa quality-improvementdocx
Primary Mental Health Care Referrals Support- Practice Facilitators

Infographic for GPs to understand the support that practice facilitators can provide in completing a successful referral into WVPHN Primary Mental Health Care programs

, pdfgeneral-practice practice-facilitationpdf
Heart Disease Change Ideas

A quality improvement infographic to support activities for Heart Disease.

, pdfqi-change-ideas quality-improvementpdf
Hepatitis C Change Ideas

A quality improvement infographic supporting change activities for Hepatitis C in general practice.

, pdfqi-change-ideas quality-improvementpdf
Care Planning Change Ideas

This is an infographic to support quality improvement ideas for care plans – GPMPs and TCAs

, pdfgeneral-practice qi-change-ideaspdf
Improving the care of patients with an intellectual disability

A PDSA to assist and support the improvement of care for patients with an intellectual disability

, docxpdsa quality-improvementdocx
Improve the recording of patients with an intellectual disability

PDSA on how to improve recording of patients with an intellectual disability in general practices.

, docxpdsa quality-improvementdocx
Intellectual Disability Change Ideas

Infographic you can use to support ideas or activities to expand on to improve service delivery for patients with an intellectual disability

, pdfqi-change-ideas quality-improvementpdf
Quality Improvement Measure 10 Blood Pressure recording for patients with diabetes

This guide is to assist you in increasing the recording of Blood Pressure in patients with Diabetes. Using the various tools and resources in this guide is one part of gaining success in this QI activity, our team of Practice Facilitators are here to support your clinic preparation, implementation, and evaluation of the activity.

, , pdfgeneral-practice quality-improvement toolkitpdf
Mental Health Staged Care Model

WVPHN commissioned services fit within a staged care model. This image represents 5 levels of care, the health service and the relevant programs associated to each level of care

PDSA Improve Type 2 Diabetic patient indicators

PDSA Improve Type 2 Diabetic patient indicators

Quality Improvement Register

Template to record and track the QI activities in the practice

, docxtemplates worksheets-and-plansdocx
PDSA Recording patients with Intellectual Disability

Increase recording of patients with intellectual disabilities in practice clinical system.

PDSA To initiate a nurse led clinic in wound care

PDSA on how to initiate a nurse clinic in general practice on wound management.

PDSA To Improve Wound Care Supplies

PDSA to support quality improvement activities on resourcing in general practice for wound care management

Quality Improvement Change Ideas

Quality Improvement – Ideas for changes for implementation

Initial Assessment and Referral (IAR) Tool poster

The IAR Tool for Mental Health is available to General Practitioners and clinicians to help identify appropriate level of care for a patient seeking mental health care

Quality Improvement Tool Kit

Designed to help your practice complete Quality Improvement (QI) activities.

Cancer Change Ideas

This is a quality improvement infographic that you can use to support any ideas or activities you may want to expand on in relation to cancer.

Pain Management Change Ideas

This is a quality improvement infographic that you can use to support any ideas or activities you may want to expand on in relation to pain management.

Emergency Management Change Ideas

This is a quality improvement infographic that you can use to support any ideas or activities you may want to expand on in relation to emergency management.

Diabetes Change Ideas

This is a quality improvement infographic that you can use to support any ideas or activities you may want to expand on in relation to diabetes.

Smoking Change Ideas

This is a quality improvement infographic that you can use to support any ideas or activities you may want to expand on in relation to smoking status of patients.

Western Victoria PHN Membership

As a membership organisation, WVPHN strives to support, foster development in and advocate for primary health services and professionals throughout our region.

Tracking Shared Health Summary uploads

How to keep track of SHS uploads to My Health Record in Clinical Software

Quality Improvement Poster Template (blue)

QI Poster template – this can be used to highlight to your patients what QI activity you are currently working on in your practice. (Blue)

, pptxgeneral-practice templatespptx
Quality Improvement Poster Template (white)

Quality Improvement (QI) Poster – can be used to highlight to your patients what QI activity you are currently working on in your practice. Download and enable editing (white)

, pptxgeneral-practice templatespptx
PENCS Data Cleansing guide

The Cleansing CAT allows the easy identification of critical missing patient data by providing a set of predefined reports. These reports provide data that would otherwise require multiple filter selections and recalculation.

E Requesting Checklist

What is Electronic Pathology Requesting & what are the benefits of Electronic Requesting? Checklist

, pdfchecklist general-practicepdf
E Requesting Flow Chart

E Requesting in Primary Care Flowchart

, pdfgeneral-practice worksheets-and-planspdf
Enabling Telehealth Fact Sheet

What is Telehealth? and Getting Started Factsheet

Digital Health Practice Nurse Training

Implementing My Health Record into the practice, uploading Shared Health Summaries and Event Summaries will ensure health providers have access to important clinical information.  Guide for practice nurses.

My Health Record Registration

Getting started, registering with My Health Record

, pdfgeneral-practice worksheets-and-planspdf
Data Cleansing Quick Guide

This cleansing guide uses CAT4 to identify inactive and duplicate patients, patients with no DOB or gender recorded, as well as missing accreditation items from your practice software

Emergency Response Planning Tool – onboarding

The Emergency Response Planning Tool (ERPT) is a cloud-based tool which assists general practices in better preparing for, responding to and recovering from the impacts of emergencies and pandemics.

Enabling Telehealth Checklist

A checklist which includes some ideas for things to think about as part of becoming Telehealth enabled.

Electronic Prescription Checklist – For Pharmacies

A checklist for pharmacies to prepare for E-prescribing

Electronic Prescription Checklist

Electronic Prescriptions – What can I do to prepare my practice?

, pdfchecklist general-practicepdf
My Health Record Flowchart

My Health Record is a secure online summary of an individual’s health information and is available to all Australians.

, pdfgeneral-practice worksheets-and-planspdf
PDSA Increase Online Appointment bookings

PDSA Increase Online Appointment bookings

PDSA Increase General Practice preparedness for Emergency

PDSA Increase General Practice preparedness for Emergency

PDSA Clinical Coding

PDSA Clinical Coding

PDSA Establish culturally appropriate services to increase refugee assessments

Increase awareness of refugee health

, docxpdsa worksheets-and-plansdocx
Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Change Ideas

Change ideas to help design, deliver evaluate services to CALD communities

PDSA Improve access to Heart Health Check

PDSA Improve access to Heart Health Checks

, docxpdsa worksheets-and-plansdocx
PDSA Increase demographic data for digital health

PDSA Increase demographic data for digital health

, docxpdsa worksheets-and-plansdocx
PDSA Increasing number of Telehealth Care Planning appointments

PDSA Increasing number of telehealth care planning appointments

, docxpdsa worksheets-and-plansdocx
PDSA Improve Opioid Management and Reduce Risk

PDSA Improve Opioid Management and Reduce Risk

, docxpdsa worksheets-and-plansdocx
PDSA Review the smoking status of Asthma patients

PDSA Review the smoking status of Asthma patients worksheet

, docxpdsa worksheets-and-plansdocx
PDSA Increasing weight height waist measurements

PDSA Increasing weight height waist measurements in GP worksheet

, docxpdsa worksheets-and-plansdocx
PDSA Increasing rates of COPD patients with flu vax

PDSA Increasing rates of COPD patients with flu vax worksheet

, docxpdsa worksheets-and-plansdocx
PDSA Increasing BMI recordings

PDSA Increasing BMI recordings in General Practice worksheet

, docxpdsa worksheets-and-plansdocx
PDSA Increase number 715 Health Assessments

PDSA Increase number 715 Health Assessments worksheet

, docxpdsa worksheets-and-plansdocx
PDSA Improve knowledge of Advance Care Planning

PDSA Improve knowledge of Advance Care Planning worksheet

, docxpdsa worksheets-and-plansdocx
PDSA Improve Type 2 Diabetic patient indicators

PDSA Improve Type 2 Diabetic patient indicators worksheet

, docxpdsa worksheets-and-plansdocx
PDSA Improve access to health services for First Nations patients

PDSA Improve access to health services for First Nations patients

, docxpdsa worksheets-and-plansdocx
PDSA Improve cultural awareness of practice staff

PDSA Improve cultural awareness of practice staff worksheet

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PDSA Improve asthma diagnosis and cycle of care plans

PDSA Improve asthma diagnosis and cycle of care plans worksheet

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PDSA Identify patients with a high BMI eligible for a Health Assessment

PDSA Identify patients with a high BMI eligible for a Health Assessment worksheet

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PDSA Hep C Uptake therapy and treatment

PDSA Hep C Uptake therapy and treatment worksheet

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PDSA Hep C Identify and manage patients

PDSA Hep C Identify and manage patients worksheet

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PDSA Hep C Destigmatising in Community

PDSA Hep C Destigmatising in Community worksheet

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PDSA Data Cleansing

PDSA Data Cleansing worksheet

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PDSA COVID Vaccinations for First Nations People

PDSA COVID Vaccinations worksheet

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Weight and Nutrition Change Ideas

A quick reference guide to change ideas for quality improvement on weight and nutrition

, pdfgeneral-practice qi-change-ideaspdf
Position Description Practice Manager

This template outlines a range of information that your practice may wish to include in a position description for a Practice Manager.

, , pdfbusiness-support general-practice templatespdf
Position Description Nurse Practitioner

This template outlines a range of information that your practice may wish to include in a position description for a Nurse Practitioner.

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Position Description Medical Receptionist

This template outlines a range of information that your practice may wish to include in a position description for a Medical Receptionist.

, , pdfbusiness-support general-practice templatespdf
Moving Premises or Change of Business Checklist

This checklist aims to assist by providing some important prompts, however, it is recommended that you personalise and tailor it to your practice needs.

, pdfbusiness-support checklistpdf
Practice/Patient Information

Provide a cohesive source of information for patient communication. This template will support your practice for accreditation under RACGP’s 5th edition criterion.

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QIM01 – Proportion of patients with diabetes with a current HbA1c result

Measuring patients who have either type 1 or type 2 diabetes and who have had an HbA1c measurement result recorded

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Data Quality

Focus area – Data Quality

PDSA Cervical Screening

PDSA Cervical Screening worksheet

General Practitioner Orientation Checklist

Being prepared for the arrival of a new GP will not only provide a smooth transition for your staff and patients, it will also encourage locums or registrars to return to your practice for future placements.

Doctors In Secondary Schools

A Victorian Government initiative. In Western Victoria, WVPHN is contracted to support the establishment of GPs and practice nurses in school-based clinics.

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Care planning in General Practice

General practitioners can offer additional help to patients with chronic conditions through care planning. GPs can prepare a GP Management Plan and Team Care Arrangements, if they determine a patient would benefit from coordinated support. 

Business support services

Whether building a practice from the ground up, renovating an existing building or taking over an active general practice, you may need to seek building permission, planning or development approval from local government or council.


Resource Idea

Couldn't find what you were looking for? Let us know your resource idea and our Practice Facilitation team may be able to assist.

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