POLAR Walkthrough – Review active patients with diabetes routine care
Home > Diabetes
Identifying RACGP and practice active patients with an active diagnosis of diabetes and review their care quality
Read MorePOLAR Walkthrough – Identify active patients under 25 years with diabetes and are eligible for a care plan
This activity guides practices to identify RACGP active patients (have attended the clinic at least three times in the last 2 years), who have at least one chronic condition, and are eligible for a medication review.
Read MoreThis activity guides practices to identify young patients who have been prescribed insulin medication but have no active and coded diagnosis of diabetes recorded in their file.
Read MoreThis guide is to assist you in increasing the recording of Blood Pressure in patients with Diabetes. Using the various tools and resources in this guide is one part of gaining success in this QI activity, our team of Practice Facilitators are here to support your clinic preparation, implementation, and evaluation of the activity.
Read MoreThis is a quality improvement infographic that you can use to support any ideas or activities you may want to expand on in relation to diabetes.
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