General Practitioner Dinners and IAR-DST Workshop

Join us in Horsham, Ballarat, Warrnambool and Geelong

WVPHN invites GPs to join us for a professional dinner. We’re holding dinners in Horsham (Tuesday, 20 August), Ballarat (Thursday, 22 August), Warrnambool (Tuesday, 27 August) and Geelong (Wednesday, 28 August) to connect GPs, foster discussions on recent advancements in the field and provide a platform for networking.

The evening will feature a presentation by a clinical guest speaker from the region and participants will receive a two-course meal with beverages kindly sponsored by Lake Imaging.

Downloadable flyer to print
For more information and to register click here

COVID-19 Response

For information on managing COVID-19 as well as administering COVID-19 vaccines across our region

Practice Facilitation Visits
Practice Resources
CPD Hub and Online Learning
Programs and National Schemes

Welcome to Practice Connect

Practice Connect and our team of Practice Facilitators are here to provide support to general practices in western Victoria by supporting your team to improve the health and wellbeing of people you are caring for. We do this by enhancing sustainability, viability and supporting improved patient outcomes through continuous quality improvement. 

Our Practice Connect tool kits provide a comprehensive range of materials to improve all aspects of running and managing a general practice. We also provide additional support by visiting your practice, over the phone or via email. Our service is provided free-of-charge to all general practices across the Western Victoria PHN region.

We will also support you and your team on various aspects of practice management including optimising the Medical Benefits Schedule, preparing for accreditation, digital health, Practice Incentive Program – Quality Improvement and more.

Latest Updates

Group A streptococcal disease notification

February 29, 2024
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From 1 March 2024, invasive group A streptococcal disease (iGAS) will become an urgent notifiable condition for medical practitioners and pathology services in Victoria. Diagnosis of iGAS relies on the laboratory detection of Streptococcus pyogenes and clinical information. • Medical practitioners and pathology services must notify cases of iGAS immediately upon diagnosis to the Department…

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Face Dementia program registrations open

November 24, 2023
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  Face Dementia program registrations are open Timely diagnosis allows for provision of information, initiation of evidence – based treatments, care and support, to improve the quality of life of people living with dementia. Participation in the timely diagnosis project provides significant benefits for the general practice and its patients.  Program will include interactive online…

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Alcohol and pregnancy resources

September 7, 2023
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fare – Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education has updated Resources and training for health professionals about alcohol and pregnancy: Every Moment Matters provides accurate information and advice on alcohol-free pregnancy and safe breastfeeding  

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MyMedicare registrations open

July 28, 2023
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MyMedicare voluntary patient registration is open for General Practices to register. Patients will be able to register from 1 October. Check if your clinic is eligible and view further information here If you would like to speak to one of our Practice Facilitators about MyMedicare or Accreditation please contact us

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