
Home > Dementia

Dementia is a leading health and aged care issue in Australia that has a significant impact on the health and quality of life of people with the condition.

There is currently no cure for dementia but there are strategies that can assist in maintaining independence and quality of life for as long as possible.

Undertaking quality improvement in dementia can enhance the way primary care providers provide services to patients with dementia and other health related needs. It will require health care providers to work together to explore solutions to identify early interventions for patients with chronic and complex needs.

Change Ideas

Download resource: Dementia – Change Ideas PDF 190KB

Plan Do Study Act (PDSA)

Improve management of patients with Dementia PDSA Doc 280KB


Resource TypeResource Link
Data ResourcesPolar Walk through – Identify patients with active diagnosis (Dementia) (PDF312KB)
Polar Walkthrough Dementia Risk Assessment – Clinic Summary Filter
Polar Walrus Dementia Risk Alert 3 minute instruction video
Clinic LearningDetecting Dementia – Role of Medical Receptionists video
Supporting people with Dementia – Role of Medical Receptionist video
Detecting Dementia – Raising the issue in General Practice video
Driving and Dementia in General Practice video
Clinical ResourcesAssessing for MCI and Dementia Face Dementia flowchart
MCI Immediate and Regular review Face Dementia checklist
Dementia Immediate review Face Dementia checklist
Dementia Regular review Face Dementia checklist
GPMP for Practice Nurses
HealthPathwaysBehavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (BPSD)
Dementia Behaviour Management Specialised Assessment
Cognitive Impairment and Dementia
Medications for Dementia
Other ResourcesEarly Dementia Optimal management in General Practice RACGP reading
Dementia Australia
Dementia Training Australia Education and Resources
Timely Diagnosis of Dementia – Online Education APNA

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